Saturday 28 July 2012

Ultimate Preparedness Library: Prepare Yourself For Any Catastrophe

Ultimate Preparedness Library Prepare Yourself For Any Catastrophe
Ultimate Preparedness Library

Dear friends and fellows as you know before the existence of modern day conveniences like water treatment, air conditioning, electricity air conditioning, mass food production, and just in time transportation delivery systems and many many more conveniences, people still lived long and healthy lives.

For thousands of years ago humanity has thrived on knowledge that has been passed down from parent to child, teacher to student and as well master to apprentice etc...!!!

    Food Storage, canning and preservation
    Land Security and Personal Protection
    Agriculture and Food Production Management
    Breeding and Rearing Animals
    Living Off the Land and Foraging
    Meat Dehydration, Smoking and Jerky
    Orienteering and Navigation   etc.......
    Read more about this go to official website PREPAREDNESS LIBRARY


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