Tuesday 21 August 2012




If you are using an iphone or you are a new iphone user and you can't use it or you want to help to using iphone or become a expert iphone user... So this post is for you... because in this iphone tutorial you will lean about iphone programming tutorials, iphone games programming and using all gaming function and much much more... So continue reading today and I hope after reading or taking iphone tutorials you will become a expert iphone user... So let's start reading..


Dear friends If you are a new to iphone programming... So start here for become a expert iphone programmer... First there's a crash course on Objective-C in case you have new to the language.. The next one is there's a tutorial series that will walk you through the process of creating an iPhone app.. Using the most common APIs...

Here are the list lesson of iphone programming tutorials..

  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: A crash course in objective C.
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: How to create a simple iphone app on IOS 5 tutorial (1/3).
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: How to create a simple iphone app on IOS 5 tutorial (2/3).
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: How to create a simple iphone app on IOS 5 tutorial (3/3).
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: My app crashed, Now What (1/2).
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: My app crashed, Now what (2/2).
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: Objective-C cheat sheet and quick reference.
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: IOS for high school students (Getting started).
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: IOS for high school students (Text adventure game).
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: Memory management in objective-C tutorial.
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: How to Debug memory leaks with Xcode and instruments turorial.
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: Using properties in Objective-C tutorial.
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: How to submit your app to apple (From No account to App Store Part 1).
  • IPHONE PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS: How to submit your app to apple (From No account to App Store Part 2).

Start taking tutorials of iphone programming and become a expert iphone programmer go to this website "TUTORIALS OF IPHONE PROGRAMMING"and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page..


IOS 5 is one of the biggest updates to iOS so far.. It has tons of cool new APIs and features for you... You can use in your iphone apps, from ARC to storyboards to icloud to GLKit.. and much much more.. Here are the list lesson of IOS 5 tutorials:

  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: IOS 5 Feast Introduction.
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: User interface customization in IOS 5.
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: The beginning storyboards in IOS 5 (Part 1).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: The beginning sotryboards in IOS 5 (Part 2).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: Working with JSON in IOS 5.
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: The beginning iCloud in IOS 5 tutorials (Part 1).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: The beginning iCloud in IOS 5 tutorials (Part 2).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: iCloud and UIDocument (Beyond the Basics Part 1/4).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: iCloud and UIDocument (Beyond the Basics Part 2/4).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: iCloud and UIDocument (Beyond the Basics Part 3/4).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: iCloud and UIDocument (Beyond the Basics Part 4/4).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: Beginning twitter in IOS 5.
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: Beginning ARC in IOS 5 (Part 1).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: Beginning ARC in IOS 5 (Part 2).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: Beginning Core image in IOS 5.
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: UIKit particle systems in IOS 5.
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: UIGestureRecognizer tutorials in IOS 5 (Pinches, Pans and much more..).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: Basic Security in IOS 5 tutorial (Part 1).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: Basic Security in IOS 5 tutorial (Part 2).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: How to create a PDF with Quartz2D in IOS 5 tutorials (Part 1).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: How to create a PDF with Quartz2d in IOS 5 tutorials (Part 2).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: How to use blocks in IOS 5 tutorials (Part 1).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: How to use blocks in IOS 5 tutorials (Part 2).
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: How to create a rotating wheel control with UIKit.
  • IOS 5 TUTORIALS: How to use UIScrollView to Scroll and Zoom content.

Start taking tutorials of IOS 5 and become a expert in iphone IOS 5 go to this website "IOS 5 TUTORIALS"and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page..


Friends if you are want to make games on the iphone, the easiest way by far is to use the cocos2d iphone framework... Here are the lesson list of game programming with cocos2d tutorials.. Get started these tutorials and showing you how to make games in iphone or also solve common problems..

  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make iphone game with Cocos2d (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make iphone game with Cocos2d (Part 2).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make iphone game with Cocos2d (Part 3).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make a tile based game with Cocos2d (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make a tile based game with Cocos2d (Part 2).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make a space shooter iphone game.
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to create a HUD Layer with Cocos2D.
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to create buttons in Cocos2D (Radio, Simple and toggle).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to Drag and Drop Sprites with Cocos2D.
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to create A Mole Whacking Game with Cocos2D (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to create a Mole Whacking Game with Cocos2D (Part 2).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: Augmented reality on the iPhone Introduction.
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to create Dynamic textures with CCRenderTexture.
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to create A Game like tiny wings (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to create a Game like riny wings (Part 2).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to Mask a Sprite with Cocos2D (1.0).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to Mask a Sprite with Cocos2D (2.0).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: Hww to create a Multi-Directional Scrolling Shooter (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to create a Multi-Directional Scrolling Shooter (Part 2).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to Implement A* Pathfinding with Cocos2d.
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make a turn-based strategy game (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make a turn-based strategy game (Part 2).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make a game like fruit ninja with Box2D and Cocos2D (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make a game like fruit ninja with Box2D and Cocos2D (Part 2).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS: How to make a game like fruit ninja with Box2D and Cocos2D (Part 3).

Start taking tutorials of GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D and become a expert in iphone game programmer with Cocos2D.. go to this website "GAME PROGRAMMING WITH COCOS2D TUTORIALS"and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page and scroll down to find the game programming tutorials..


In Coscos2D there are some best and great tools available that make your job as a Cocos2D developer much much easier and better.. Here are the list of Coscos2D tools..

  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: How to create and optimize sprite sheets in Coscos2D with texture packer and Pixel Formats.
  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: How to build a monkey jump game using Coscos2D, PhysicsEditor & TexturePacker (Part 1).
  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: How to build a monkey jump game using Coscos2D, PhysicsEditor & TexturePacker (Part 2).
  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: How to build a monkey jump game using Coscos2D, PhysicsEditor & TexturePacker (Part 3).
  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: How to use spritehelper and levelhelper tutorial.
  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: How to make a game like jetpack joyride using levelhelper and spritehelper (Cocos2D Edition Part 1).
  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: How to make a game like jetpack joyride using levelhelper and spritehelper (Cocos2D Edition Part 2).
  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: How to make a game like jetpack joyride using levelhelper and spritehelper (Cocos2D Edition Part 3).
  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: How to make a game like jetpack joyride using levelhelper and spritehelper (Cocos2D Edition Part 4).
  • COSCOS2D TOOLS: Adding iCade support to your game..

Start taking tutorials of COCOS2D tools and become a expert in iphone game programmer with Cocos2D tools.. go to this website "COCOS2D TOOLS"and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page and scroll down to find the COCOS2D TOOLS..


Friends now the game programming with OpenGL tutorials are for you which is the lowest game programming API available on iOS is OpenGL ES 2.0.. It gives you the most powerful and flexibility, but has a notoriously high learning curve.. So that's where this site comes to the rescue... We try to explain it as simply as possible to you.. Here are the lesson list tutorials of game programming with OpenGL...

  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH OpenGL TUTORIALS: OpenGL ES 2.0 for iPhone Tutorial (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH OpenGL TUTORIALS: OpenGL ES for iphone tutorial (Part 2: Texture).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH OpenGL TUTORIALS: Beginning OpenGL ES 2.0 with GLKit (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH OpenGL TUTORIALS: Beginning OpenGL ES 2.0 with GLKit (Part 2).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH OpenGL TUTORIALS: How to create a simple 2D iPhone game with OpenGL ES 2.0 and GLKit (Part 1).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH OpenGL TUTORIALS: How to create a simple 2D iPhone game with OpenGL ES 2.0 and GLKit (Part 2).
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH OpenGL TUTORIALS: How to create Cool Effects with custom shaders in OpenGL ES 2.0 and Cocos2D 2.X.
  • GAME PROGRAMMING WITH OpenGL TUTORIALS: How to rotate a 3D Object using touches with OpenGL.

Start taking tutorials of game programming with OpenGL and become a expert in iphone game programmer with OpenGL.. go to this website "GAME PROGRAMMING WITH OPenGL TUTORIALS"and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page and scroll down to find the game programming OpenGL tutorials..


Other than Cocos2D and OpenGL, there are a lot of other some great games engines or frameworks which are available in iOS.. If you want to play around with some of them as well, check out these more games programming tutorials..

  • GAME ENGINES: How to make a game like doodle jump with corona (Part 1).
  • GAME ENGINES: How to make a game like doodle jump with corona (Part 2).
  • GAME ENGINES: How to make a game like jetpak joyride using levelhelper and spritehelper (Corona Edition part 1).
  • GAME ENGINES: How to make a game like jetpak joyride using levelhelper and spritehelper (Corona Edition part 2).
  • GAME ENGINES: How to make a game like jetpak joyride using levelhelper and spritehelper (Corona Edition part 3).
  • GAME ENGINES: How to make a game like jetpak joyride using levelhelper and spritehelper (Corona Edition part 4).
  • GAME ENGINES: How to make a 2.5D game with unity (Part 1).
  • GAME ENGINES: How to make a 2.5D game with unity (Part 2).
  • GAME ENGINES: How to make a simple iPhone game with flash CS5..

Start taking tutorials of some other game engines and become a expert in iphone game programmer.. go to this website "GAME PROGRAMMING"and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page and scroll down to find the game programming..


Now you can easily add physics in your games without having to be a math expert.. The following tutorials will show how to easily create physics to your games.. here are the list lesson of tutorials..

  • ADD PHYSICS IN GAME: Intro to Box2D with Cocos2D tutorial.
  • ADD PHYSICS IN GAME: How to create a simple breakout game with Box2D and Cocos2D tutorial (Part 1).
  • ADD PHYSICS IN GAME: How to create a simple breakout game with Box2D and Cocos2D tutorial (Part 2).
  • ADD PHYSICS IN GAME: How to use Box2D for just collision detection.
  • ADD PHYSICS IN GAME: How to create a simple iPhone game with Chipmunk physics tutorial.
  • ADD PHYSICS IN GAME: Intermediate Box2D (Physics, Forces, Ray Casts and Sensors).
  • ADD PHYSICS IN GAME: How to make a catapult shooting game with Cocos2D and Box2D (Part 1).
  • ADD PHYSICS IN GAME: How to make a catapult shooting game with Cocos2D and Box2D (Part 2).

Start taking tutorials of add physics in game and become a expert in iphone game programmer.. go to this website "ADD PHYSICS IN GAME"and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page and scroll down to find the add physics in game tutorials..


As you know we are on the topic of game programming, So here are a few more posts with some best tips and tricks for game developers... Here are the list..

  • OTHER GAME PROGRAMMING TOPICS: Introduction to pixel art for games.
  • OTHER GAME PROGRAMMING TOPICS: 5 things I learned making my first game.
  • OTHER GAME PROGRAMMING TOPICS: How to generate game tiles with python imaging library.
  • OTHER GAME PROGRAMMING TOPICS: How to host a beta test for your iPhone App.
  • OTHER GAME PROGRAMMING TOPICS: A nOObs guide to making a beta signup form with PHP and wordpress.

For taking these tutorials and reading these game programming topics.. go to this website GAME PROGRAMMING TOPICS.. and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page and scroll down to find the game programming topics..


As you know friends the almost app needs to save and load data on the iPhone.. and there are many different ways to do so... Following are the saving and loading data in iPhone app tutorials..

  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: How to choose the best XML Parser for your iPhone project.
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: How to read and write XML documents with GDataXML.
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: SQLite 101 for iPhone developers (Creating and Scripting).
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: SQLite 101 for iPhone developers (Making our app).
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: Core Data on iOS 5 tutorials (Getting started).
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: Core Data on iOS 5 tutorials (How to preload and import existing data).
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: Core Data tutorial (How to preloadand import existing data:pre iOS version).
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: Core Data on iOS 5 tutorial (How to use NSFetchedResultsController).
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: Core Data on iOS 5 tutorial (How to work with relationships and predicates).
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: How to save your app data with NSCoding and NSFileManager.
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: How to Integrate iTunes file sharing with your iOS app.
  • SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP: How to Import and Export App Data via Email in your iOS App.

Start taking tutorials of saving and loading data in iPhone app and become a expert in iphone game programmer.. go to this website "SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE APP"and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page and scroll down to find the SAVING AND LOADING DATA IN IPHONE TUTORIALS ..


In order to be successful on the app store in these days your app must be looking good.. Here are a few tutorials that can use to up the quality level of your app.. The graphics and animation in iPhone tutorials...

  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: Core graphics 101 (Lines, Rectangles and Gradients)..
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: Core graphics 101 (Shadows and Gloss).
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: Core graphics 101 (Arcs and Paths).
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: Core graphics 101 (Glossy buttons).
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: How to use UIView Animation tutorial.
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: UIView Animation tutorial (Practical Recipes).
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: Introduction to CALayers tutorial.
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: How to write a Custom Image Picker like UIImagePicker.
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: How to make a Custom UIView (A 5 star rating view).
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: Beautiful table view helper class.
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: How to create a simple magazine app with core text.
  • GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS: Photoshop for developers (Making a leather navigation bar).

Start taking tutorials of graphics and animation in iPhone app and become a expert in iphone game programmer.. go to this website "GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS"and click on the tutorial tab on the top of the page and scroll down to find the GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION IN IPHONE TUTORIALS..


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